Design of a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) network, "Optymo 2", in the city of Belfort.
Approximately 6 kilometres of BRT line, including 4 in the town centre.
Creation of a multimodal hub at the rail station.
Creation of a transit hub.
Development of roadways and public spaces.
Interface, transit infrastructures and development of public spaces.
Delivery :
Project owner
Agent: SODEB
SMTC (Syndicat Mixte Transport en Commun) of the Territoire de Belfort
Project supervision
Lead contractor: BEJ SAS, technical studies
Reichen et Robert & Associés
Landscaping: Cabinet Alfred Peter
Engineers-consultants for mobility and urban design: Roland Ribi et Associés
Technical studies: Ceryx Trafic System and geotechnician
Site area
180,000 m² area developed
7 bus lines
Approximately 6 km: Total length of lines developed
Project value
€30 M tax excluded
Gael Morin
Alfred Peter