Bus à Haut Niveau de Service


Public spacesTransport
Carta - Reichen et Robert Associates - Bus à Haut Niveau de Service

Design of a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) network, "Optymo 2", in the city of Belfort.
Approximately 6 kilometres of BRT line, including 4 in the town centre.
Creation of a multimodal hub at the rail station.
Creation of a transit hub.
Development of roadways and public spaces.
Interface, transit infrastructures and development of public spaces.

The Optymo 2 project is based on the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) concept and constitutes the second phase in construction of the "Optymo" public-transportation network in the city of Belfort. The main purpose of this type of public transportation system is to affirm the presence of BUSES in the city by making the stops more legible (stopping POINTS), by encouraging and organising intermodality via the creation of hubs in strategic urban locations such as the rail station, the Place Rabin and the Place de la Liberté and finally by making BUS and vehicle traffic plans coherent in order to optimise traffic for both.

Delivery : 2013

Project owner
Agent: SODEB
SMTC (Syndicat Mixte Transport en Commun) of the Territoire de Belfort

Project supervision
Lead contractor: BEJ SAS, technical studies
Reichen et Robert & Associés
Landscaping: Cabinet Alfred Peter
Engineers-consultants for mobility and urban design: Roland Ribi et Associés
Technical studies: Ceryx Trafic System and geotechnician

Site area
180,000 m² area developed
7 bus lines
Approximately 6 km: Total length of lines developed

Project value
€30 M tax excluded

Gael Morin

Alfred Peter

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