Centre Hospitalier Annecy Genevois

Health institutions
Carta - Reichen et Robert Associates - Centre Hospitalier Annecy Genevois

Construction of the new Centre Hospitalier Annecy Genevois.

The experience of conversion teaches that a function is never definitive and nourishes reflection on the building's ability to change uses during its history. That experience is applied here to the hospital architecture of the new buildings of the hospital in Annecy. The architectural programme of this type of facility, like its design phase, is in fact only one moment in a building's life.
The project is designed like a small city, each of whose components has its own degree of permanence. The architecture is in line with in an organic logic of incompletion which does not call the general validity of the building into question. On an exceptional natural site at a strategic crossroads of access roads and thoroughfares, the idea is to propose a hospital architecture that is de-monumentalised, designed like a garden city and clinging almost organically to the topography of the terrain.
The horizontality of the buildings and their dimensioning at a human scale provide a simple, clear vision of an organisation into autonomous functional hubs. They are served by an ensemble of interior streets accessible to all or, on the contrary, assigned to medical or logistical functions.

Delivery : 2008

Complete project supervision commission

Project owner
Centre Hospitalier d’Annecy

Project Supervision
Reichen et Robert & Associés
Landscaping: Florence Robert, RB&Cie
Design offices: Setec Bâtiment, Inex
Economist: Lucigny - Talhouët et Associés
Acoustician: Capri acoustique

92,200 m² net floor area
Overall surface area: 84,600 m² for the hospital building, 25,000 m² for the technical and logistics centre
Internal area: 84,800 m²
Useful areas: 54,120 m²
9 medical hubs
Capacity: 652 beds
14 operating rooms
site: 15 hectares

Project value
€136 M tax excluded (2008 value)

Jean Michel Landecy


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