CHU de Nantes

Construction of a hospital-university complex : Île de Nantes project

Health institutions
Carta - Reichen et Robert Associates - CHU de Nantes

Grouping together on the Île de Nantes (44) of the totality of the Short Stay facilities of the university hospital, the Nantes part of the Institut de Cancérologie de l'Ouest (ICO), a health research institute (IRS 2020), and related activities following moving of the hospital: schools, activities of the Établissement Français du Sang (EFS), a hospital hotel, etc.
Phase 1: 70% of works (Short Stay)

An approach that begins from the interior – that is, from the needs of the hospital population – to imagine an internal urban design that is extended towards the exterior to build the relation with the future South districts of the Island.
A reflection on the city - hospital interface.
A design method centred on five major areas:
- Medical functionalities,
- Notions of fractioning and identification,
- The desire to create a continuous collective space,
- The design of urban figures, including a reflection on the scalability of a hospital via modularity, externalisation and extension,
- Architectural expressions of a general tonality, "lights of the estuary"

Competitions : 2014

Sketch-based competition complemented by specific preliminary design-level elements and model

Project owner
Nantes University Hospital

Project Supervision
Reichen et Robert & Associés, lead architect
Design offices: INGEROP - SETEC - BERIM
Landscaping: Phytolab
Sustainable development: FRANCK BOUTTÉ
Project management: PLANITEC
Fire prevention and safety: VULCANEO
Acoustics: ECHOLOGOS

Site: 10 ha
Floor area: 242,250 m²
Net floor area: 292,000 m² including car park
1,384 beds and places
University Hospital: 196,100 m²
Institut de Cancérologie de l'Ouest (ICO): 24,300 m²
Health Research Institute (IRS): 11,200 m²
Associated activities: 10,500 m²
Car park: 49,800 m² / 1,751 spaces

Reichen et Robert & Associés and Groupe 6


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